Beloved Childhood Reads.

Well, I was going to do the Chocolate Book Tag in honour of Easter Sunday, but I started answering the questions and was like, ‘Hang on… this feels familiar…’

So instead, I thought I’d mention some books that I loved as a child. I think of Easter as very much something I only cared about when I was a kid, and even then I wasn’t all that bothered.

Here’s the main books that jump to mind when I think about my childhood.


The Famous Five series, Shadow the Sheepdog, and basically anything else by Enid Blyton.

Enid Blyton was hands-down my favourite author growing up. She is the reason I wanted to become a writer. She was also the reason I tried ginger beer, and thanks to her books about secret passageways and hidden treasure, I got through a lot of boring family days out by imagining I was on a Famous Five/Secret Seven quest.

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